
                  General Meeting Minutes for 2014

Grand Island Lions General Meeting
January 08, 2014

Attendance:  in attendance 9)  Tom Witkowski, Dick Crawford, Paul Bassette, Brooks Rimes, Fred Ruocco, Norm Hahn, Donna Lavallee guests:  DG Daniel Dunn and Cheryl Dunn
Lion President Brooks Rimes called the meeting to order at 7:12 PM  
Split Club: Lion Dick:  Total in the split club is $145 $145 Guest DG Dan Dunn drew Mark Frenztel, Absent, Dan Morobito, absent, Donna Lavallee, Lion Donna drew the Ace of Hearts!!  We will start the split club over for 2014.
10 Chevron awards presented by DG Dan Dunn:
Lions Chevron Awards - 10 members will receive awards
DG Dunn read a copy of the letter that the recipients with receive from the International President Barry Palmer
10 year awards:  Lion Henry and Lion Annette
15 year awards: Lion Gerry Dubiel, Lion Norm Hahn, Lion Dick Planavsky and Lion Tom Rusert
20 year award:  Lion Tom Witkowski
25 year award:  Lion Pat Wiles and Lion William Wiles
35 Lion Pat Patterson.
Membership: DG Dunn addressed the membership. The state lost 15 clubs and 20N lost 3 clubs, Blasdell Woodlawn, and 2 others.  Our club has lost 3 members. Support is available to all clubs.  The district has 23 guiding lions to help clubs with membership. April 2014 has Family Lions and Worldwide Induction Day, the goal is to induct as many Lions into clubs as possible.  There is a lot of information on the website regarding these 2 events.  Word of mouth is important, conversation about Lions is the first step towards increasing membership.
Committee Reports:
Christmas Tree update:  Lion Dick knows that there were only about 12 trees left.  A report will be forthcoming.
Vision Beyond Sight Foundation:   The VBS has a big event coming up on March 1, 2014, the “Eye Ball”  with a Mardi Gras theme at Babeville Asbury Hall at 341  Delaware Ave. Tickets are $150/person.  Requests for donations for silent auction and baskets. Money raised will go toward the purchase of equipment to improve the services to the doctors and patients at the Ross Eye Institute.  Lion Tom requested a donation from the club for $100 to go towards the purchase of a basket. Donations are appreciated.  Donations and the price of the tickets are tax deductable.
Spaghetti Dinner:   The dinner will be on April 28, 2014.  Lion Dick will be sending letters out to our normal sponsors.  Members that were present received their 10 tickets.  Please start sell tickets ASAP.
Lion Paul:  Lion Paul addressed issues that the club needs to be aware of for those in the GI community that need glasses.  The club needs to fully investigate the need and insurance options. Lion Dick suggested that the club review the policy with the school nurses who is our point person in the school district. 
Next meeting will be January 22, 2014 it will be a board meeting but all members are welcome at the Buffalo Launch Club.  Motion to adjourn Lion Paul seconded by Lion Dick; Meeting adjourned at 8:36
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
April 23, 2014
Attendance:  (12 in attendance) Tom Witkowski, Al Ackerman, Paul Bassette,  Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Tom Rusert,
Dave Chervinsky,  Brooks Rimes, Fred Ruocco, Earl DeGlopper, Donna Lavallee, visitor
Sheri Shaw
Lion President Brooks called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.  Lion President Dave led us in the pledge, Lion Annette
led us in a patriotic song and Lion Paul led us in prayer.
Noimiating Committee:  reporting Lion Paul Bassette.  The slate of officers is as follows:
President:  Donna Lavallee
1st Vice President:  Tom Rusert
2nd Vice P Mike Steinagel
Treasurer:  Dick Crawford
Corresponding Secretary:  Annette Lobl
Recording Secretary:  Tom Witkowski
Tail Twister:  Fred Ruocco
Lion Tamer:  Al Ackerman
Director for 2 years:  Norm Hahn, Dave Chervinsky
Director 1 year:  Anne Fahning, Paul Bassette
Motion that the ballot be accepted by Lion Paul, seconded by Lion Annette, all in favor motion passed.
Spaghetti Dinner:  Lion Annette:  Set up is Sunday 4/27 at 3 PM for core set up table and chairs, silverware wrapping
etc.  Monday is at 10 AM Lion Dan and Tom will be preparing the sauce and we need salad prep work.  Lion Dave will
be picking up food.  Lion Tom will be setting up table for the organizations.  There will be 9 organizations using 5 tables. 
These tables will be set up adjacent to the stage.  Baked goods are needed.
Next Meeting:   Speaker for Byblos meeting will be Kevin Kulikowski from Young Life.
Presentation:  Sheri Shaw; Director of Vision Rehabilitation Olmstead Center for Sight
Sheri clarified that The Olmstead Center is separate from the Ross Eye Institute.  The Olmstead Center used to be the
Blind Association of WNY.  The center offers new technology, books, a full service of Braille and rehabilitation services
for all ages.  When an Ophthalmologist can no longer help an individual they refer to the Olmstead Center.  Dr Simmons
at the center works with patients who have vision impairment.  Patients are eligible to come to the center when their
vision is 20/70 on up.  They help in all areas of daily living to maintain independence using anything from magnifiers to
strategies that improve a person’s quality of life.  The center helps empower individuals.  New technology has emerged
with television, iPads and portable magnifiers.  Senior vision services have home visitation.  There were 760 senior
individuals that were helped in 2013.  Appeals for funding through agencies help maintain these services.  Service
agencies like National Fuel, United Way and Verizon work with the center.  Questions were fielded.  LP Brooks
presented Sheri with a pin from our club.
Committee Reports:
Letters from Doctor Andy’s Day, Special spaces and Young Life.
Inner city Lions Club tickets for sale for an Oldies but Goodies dinner dance on May 17. 
Kenmore Lions Club is celebrating 85 years, May 6th at Aquas.
Kenningston Lions looking for sponsors for their next event.
SABAH:  Fantasy Island at May 10 looking for contributions or participation for those interested
Community foundation for greater Buffalo.  Our club is eligible to get $1000 back; Lion Annette will file this for us.
Finger Lakes Region Hearing Foundation appeal, Lion Donna will send hearing aids so that they can get salvage credit.
Freedom guide dogs:  This organization is in our in our budget lion Tom R will pass this on Lion Dick.  We budgeted
LP Brooks made a motion to support their mission. Lion Tom made a motion to sponsor at $100, seconded by Lion Al,
all in favor.  Lion Annette would like the club to consider sponsoring annually to this.
Cabinet Recognition dinner for the outgoing DG
See Tom Witkowski if you are interested in attending.
·Peace Poster:  Meeting to recognize the Peace Poster winners May 2. Letters have been sent out.
PDG asked about support for golf tournament.  We supposedly sent a check last year and they never received it.  Would
we like to support them this year?
Lion Henry asked for an internal audit of dispensed checks.
Motion to adjourn, Lion all in favor. 
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club Regular Meeting Minutes
May 14, 2014
Attendance: Lions Tom Rusert, Dave Chervinsky, Jerry and Diane Dubiel, Anne Fahning, Dick Crawford, Al
Ackerman, Donna Lavallee, Tom Butler, Tom DeCarlo, Dan Morabito, Earl DeGlopper, Fred Ruocco, Paul Bassette,
Tom Witkowski, Shelia Ferrentino; and guest speaker Ken Kulikowski from Young Life.
Call to Order: Lion 1st VP Lavallee called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.
Pledge to the Flag: Led by Lion Fahning
Patriotic Song:  Led by Lion Chervinsky
Invocation: Led by Lion Bassette.  Moment of silence requested due to death of Past President Charles H.
Meyer (1980-1981).
Introduction of guests: Lion 1st VP Lavallee introduced Mr. Ken Kulikowski, Area Director of Young Life.
Release of Tail Twister Lion Ruocco. 
Split Club: Lions Ross Kaiser, Brooks Rimes, Mike Steinagel not present.  Lion DeGlopper drew Ace of Diamonds with
pot valued at $10.00.
Speaker: Mr. Kulikowski briefly described the history of Young Life since its’ founding in 1939.  Young Life came to our
community in 1969 and enjoys a population 80 – 90 children and young adults.  The group’s purpose is to bring
definition to their lives and where God fits in.  Ken calls their group “organized chaos” with all the activities its members
get involved with.  Young Life already is a part of Trinity and St. Stephen’s with aspirations of being in every high school
in the U.S.  More information can be found at www.younglife.org.
Committee reports:
Spaghetti Dinner: Chairman Crawford reported gross receipts total over $4,000.  A thank you was received from the
Golden Age Center for the dinner leftovers.  Over 212 dinners were served.  Generally, it was felt to be one of the best
the club has ever held.
Special Kids’ Picnic: No report due to the absence of Chairperson Boies-Lobl.
Christmas Tree Sales: Lion Sean Kelly reported to Lion Crawford that we should expect approximately  $1,600.
Items for discussion:
Annual dues: are now due.  Letter of notice has been sent out.
Leadership training: The district’s annual Leadership Forum will be held Thursday, May 22 at St. John Vianney School,
2950 Southwestern Boulevard, Orchard Park, from 6:30 pm to approximately 9:30 pm.  The $20 fee covers the entire
club.  Lion Lavallee is attending with Lion Witkowski who will speak on the Club Excellence Program in two separate
programs.  Carpooling is recommended.
The Nicaragua Eye Care Project, headed by Pendleton Lion Jim Carlins, is scheduled for January 2015.  Nicaragua is
the second poorest country in the western hemisphere, second to Haiti.  Any interested Lion who simply wants to help
this mission is encouraged to participate.
Invitation to Kenmore Lions Club’s 85th Anniversary was received and announced along with several other invitations.
 Lion Rusert reported that Lion Wind is in his 40th day after his treatment for leukemia.
 Lion Crawford reported that the club audit will be performed in September 2014.
 Next meeting will honor the two Peace Poster Contest winners.  9 to 11 family members will be attending. 
Chairman Bassette requested all members to attend.
Scholarship committee: Chairman Bassette reported that someone has been selected for the one $1,000
scholarship along with three $500.00 winners.  The $1,000 scholarship is going to an entrant who displayed outstanding
community service along with maintaining high scholastic grades.
Lion Witkowski reported:
one more volunteer to deliver Meals On Wheels is needed for Friday, May 16 in addition to Lion Fahning.  Lion Bassette
graciously volunteered.
Krista, wife of the next Melvin Jones awardee needed to know cost to invite guests at the Installation Dinner.  Lion
Crawford is the contact.  Lion Witkowski will notify Krista.
initial construction of the Miracle League Playground will occur on June 14 and 15 with completion at a later date. 
Volunteers are needed - any skill level is OK.  Tools and food will be provided.  To volunteer, contact Dan Drexelius at
Miracle League Lions Day will be held Sunday, August 3rd at 2PM.  Buddies and simply supporting the players is
requested of all Lions.
our club is one of the winners of the district's club contest based upon a variety of our activities throughout the past year. 
A banner patch will be received at a later date.
at one of the State Convention seminars in Lake Placid, we learned of the potential for tax liabilities at our fundraisers;
i.e., collecting and paying state taxes on all sales.  The district leadership has been informed of this and will be working
on a resolution to this situation with the state and International.
he has been invited to speak at an LCIF luncheon next year regarding our work in securing the $75,000 grant for Miracle
League.  He has also been invited to assist a downstate club near Elmford in starting an ML field in their community. 
our $2,000 request to the Brandel-Murphy foundation for the Miracle League playground was approved with the check
presented to Lion Witkowski at the Cabinet Recognition Dinner last Friday.  Check was given to Lion Crawford.
evaluated three vision screening cameras with the $7,000+ SPOT being chosen incorporating technology using no film
and providing on-the-spot results.  It is also self-aligning, -focusing, and -calibrating.  He is working on a proposal to the
club and the school district to co-purchase one with help from fundraisers and grants. 
Members Picnic: cannot be held on Lion Anne and Bob’s boat this year due to pending maintenance.  Lion Chervinsky
suggested we have our picnic on Beaver Island for this year. Lion Crawford reported he has the necessary tent if we
choose to have it on Lion Fahning’s property.
Fourth of July parade: Lion Fahning reported that she has filed paperwork for our club participation in the parade this
year.  Lion Witkowski will handle getting wheelchairs and collection containers for eyeglasses and hearing aids to collect
these items as we march down Grand Island Boulevard.  He will also handle an announcement for the Dispatch.
The offices of Fichte, Endl, and Elmer have indicated they need eyeglasses to be picked up at both locations.  Lion
Witkowski will contact the Amherst and Town of Niagara Lions Club to arrange collection and pickup.
Motion to adjourn made by Lion Bassette, seconded by Lion Ferrentino.  Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.
Respectfully submitted,?
Lion Tom Witkowski

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
May 28, 2014
Attendance:  (14 in attendance) Brooks Rimes, Tom Witkowski, Dick Crawford,  Tom Butler, Paul Bassette, Donna
Lavallee, Annette Lobl, Henry Lobl, Tom Rusert,  Al Ackerman,  Dan Morobito, Dave Chervinsky,  Gerry Dubiel, Diane
Dubiel 9 guests; Katie Gibbons, and parents Sylvia Kaptien and Will Gibbons, McKenna Davis and parents Eric and
Amy, grandmother Kay, brother and best friend.
Lion President Brooks Rimes called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. 
Lion Dave led us in the Pledge to the Flag, Lion Paul led us in prayer and Lion Annette led us in a patriotic song.
Announcements – Lion Paul introduced our Peace poster winner, Katie Gibbons and runner up McKenna Davis and
their parents.
Lion Dick called the split club, looking for the Ace of Hearts; $16 in the kitty, Lion Tom Rusert drew the 6 of diamonds.
Program: Peace Poster chair Paul Bassette:  Lion Paul gave a quick background on the history of The Peace Poster
contest which has been conducted for the past 26 years. The contest is for young people ages 11-13. This year’s theme
was “Our World, Our Future”.  We had 15 Peace Posters submitted this year. The judging criteria are based on use of
theme, artistic ability and originality. Second place $50 winner Miss McKenna Davis from Connor Middle School
described her poster.  Miss Katie Gibbons was the first place $100 winner from Connor Middle School presented her
poster to the club.  The posters will be display for 1 year at the Grand Island Public Library.  We also had 4 honorable
mention winners that each received $25.  Marla Crawford will frame the winning posters.

Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club Regular Meeting Minutes
September 10, 2014 Byblos-Niagara Hotel and Spa
Attendance: Lions Donna Lavallee, Dave Chervinsky, Dick Crawford, Al Ackerman, Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski, Fred Ruocco, Earl DeGlopper, Paul Krupa, Shelia Ferrentino, Diane and Jerry Dubiel, Henry Lobl and Annette Boies-Lobl, Dan Morabito, Tom DeCarlo, and Lion Candidate Honglin Fan.
Call to Order:  Lion President Lavallee called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Jerry Dubiel.
Patriotic song was led by Lion Ferrentino.
Invocation made by Lion Boies-Lobl.
Lion Paul Krupa was welcomed back to the club by President Lavallee.
Lion Candidate Honglin Fan was introduced by Lion Witkowski.
Lion Jerry Dubiel told a joke.
President Lavallee started “Wayback Wednesday” with two old photos of current members.  Members are to guess who the Lions are and what they have in common.  Lion Chervinsky correctly guessed Lions Witkowski and Crawford.  Their commonality is that they are Lions.  Lion Chervinsky still received the bottle of wine as a prize although President Lavallee stated that they now have no hair.
Tail Twister Ruocco was released by motion of Lion Ferrentino.
Split Club: Lion Candidate Fan picked Lion Ferrentino’s stick for $24.00.  She picked three of clubs.
Committee Reports:
Membership update: We have 32 members.  They are some President Lavallee has never met.  We will continue our work in gaining members.
Upcoming calendar: President Lavallee requested as many members attend our next meeting that will feature DG Mike’s visitation.  Date was moved up to accommodate our snowbirds. The following meeting will be Merritton’s visit to us at the Knights of Columbus.  Everyone has been requested to bring a raffle item.  Town Supervisor Mary Cooke will be at our October 22 meeting.  November 12th meeting will feature Curt Nestark from the Grand Island Historical Society.  Our annual Christmas Party will take place on December 10.
Committee Chair update: Club is doing well.  President Lavallee will be contacting Sean Kelly regarding Christmas Tree sales.  Membership is the responsibility of everyone to invite people to become members.  Publicity chair is open.  Everyone is welcomed to serve on that committee
President Lavallee complimented our newsletter editor/publisher Lion Chervinsky on the job he is doing.  President Lavallee will be talking with PDG Bob Shively regarding the eye-screening program.  Per Lion Chervinsky, club does have a Facebook page.  Social networking has become popular in getting our name out there and what we do. 
3rd Vice-President position:  President Lavallee had talked with Lion Lobl regarding the position and that he would remain in a supportive capacity as needs arise.  The board had previously elected not to fill the position at this time.  It is not in our constitution and by-laws that we must fill it.
Special Kids Picnic wrap-up: Lion Boies-Lobl stated that we had about 800 kids and staff, 110 volunteers, and that everyone had a good time.  Boats ran smoothly. Thank you notes will be sent out.
BonTon update:  Lion Lobl reported Community Days would be held Friday and Saturday, November 11 and 15.  We earned $700 last year. 75 books must be sold.  If each member sold three books, this would be more than enough.  Their cost is $5.00 each.  Selling to friends and family will also help.
White Cane report: Lion Lobl and Lion Hahn organized the drive.  $2,547.25 was collected – a record!  Several stories were exchanged.  Lion Lobl reported that since all the spots were covered they were critical to its success.  Some donors didn’t know we were going to be out there.  Better PR effort will be done.
Lions Club International initiatives:
Involve a Vet:  President Lavallee stated there is an effort to get veterans to become members of Lions Clubs.  If members were at the VFW, for example, it would be a good thing for them to be involved.
Strengthen the Pride: President Lavallee stated this is International President Joe Preston’s theme.  A membership growth award is in October and April 2015.  Pins and banner patches are available if clubs grow. 
100 Million Acts of Service:  IP Preston’s theme is for all clubs to report a total of 100 million acts by LI’s 100th anniversary in 2017.  The key for our club is to notify Lion Boies-Lobl of service acts we perform.  Question was raised that if thirty club members worked at the Special Kids’ Picnic, would this be 30 acts of service.  Lion Witkowski responded that it would. 
Loan closet:  Lion Crawford discussed the need to clean the closet due a prevailing odor of urine and the excess of donated items starting to accumulate.  President Lavallee suggested we set a date to inventory the items and donate to the Tuscarora nation.  We advertise in the Dispatch about the availability of items to be loaned.  President Lavallee suggested we set a date where we can go there to take care of the conditions existing there.  Lions Crawford and Ruocco stated that the items do have a nice turnaround so we do know the community is using it.
 Lions S.E.E. Program: President Lavallee is still working on to learn if we can borrow a screening camera to get our project going.  She is talking to the president of Grand Island Cooperative who has expressed interest in the program but not right now.  She would also approach Denise Dunbar about the program also.  She questioned if we should have our own camera at a cost of $7,000 and perhaps getting a matching grant.  She hasn’t had a returned email to several requests for information and it has been difficult calling them.  Lion Lobl suggested we explore working with PDG Bob Shively.  Since the Ross has children referred to them that it would be in their best interest to be more responsive.  President Lavallee said that if we needed to borrow the Town of Niagara Lions Club’s camera that we could reimburse them $100.00 for using it.  Lion Lobl suggested a three-step program: borrow it, have a presentation by the Ross, then approach obtaining a matching grant.  President Lavallee said that would be a great initiative regarding sight.
District Zone report:  Lion Witkowski limited the discussion to cabinet meeting items relevant to all Lions.  He reported on particulars on the Journey For Sight, Cycle For Sight, C.R.O.P. Walk, Peace Poster Contest judging, Sub-District Convention on October 11 at Ripa’s Restaurant in Lancaster.  We will be discussing the state tax issue and distributing checks from the Journey For Sight.  Lion Witkowski stressed the importance of attending at least for the tax issue.  Continuing, Lion Witkowski discussed the proposed fundraiser for the three state projects.  One issue is how will an Uplinger Award be received if all funds go to one entity.  He discussed the closing of Ellicott Creek Five Senses Trail and the movement of the sign and associated funds to Town of Wheatfield Lions Senses Park.  Camp Badger is having its annual fundraiser at Bristol Harbor in Canandaigua on September 19.  Our sub-district convention will be held on October 11.  The state convention will occur April 24-26 in Binghamton.  Lion Witkowski has been invited to speak at the convention about our involvement  with the Miracle League since numerous clubs have been contacting the district and Miracle league anxious to learn what it takes to start one in their own communities.  The convention is looking for help in various committees.  The Council of Governors is suggesting that all clubs should start putting their thinking caps to do something special community-wise for Lions 100th anniversary in 2017.  Lion Witkowski requested that if any club member knows of anyone affiliated with Canisius College to contact Sheridan Drive Lion Rick Battaglia.  He is attempting to start a campus club there and will need at least 20 individuals to form the club.  Lion Lobl asked if alumni can join, others asked if employees could join.  The answer was yes to both questions. PDG John Shaffer thanked all clubs who participated in the replacement of the roof of the Town of Wheatfield Lions building.  Lion Witkowski closed with stating that next year he may not have any job in Lions.  . 
If members want to move up in Lionism, he will step aside from his zone chairmanship
September 24th is DG Mike’s visit and that everyone should attend.  Copies of the minutes were made available.
Olmsted “Eye Opener” tours: President Lavallee is holding tours.  The tours are held on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the early afternoons.  She has requested the Olmsted to hold an evening tour for our club since the afternoons do not fit well in her schedule.
Joint fundraiser with Rotary:  President Lavallee has been approached by Rotarian Gary Roesch to solicit interest in a golf tournament sponsored by our club, Rotary, and Zonta.  At the last board meeting, President Lavallee stated she’d be more interested in a Oktoberfest in that it would be more fun and inclusive of others who may or may not play golf.  Consensus is no to the golf idea.
Eyeglass collection boxes:  President Lavallee has placed boxes around in very locations.  Their cost is $86.00 for 10 boxes.  Lion Witkowski stated Elderwood is interested in obtaining a box.  President Lavallee states that hers fills up very quickly and suggested we can find places to put them.  A motion by Lion Rusert to purchase the boxes and a second by Lion Ferrentino but it was not voted on.  President Lavallee approached Lion Tom Butler to coordinate collection.  Lion Witkowski volunteered to get boxes for free from his former employer and install logos.  We’ll start with five.
Taste of Grand Island:  President Lavallee will be out of town on Saturday, September 27.  We will look into that next year.
C.R.O.P Walk:  President Lavallee stated it is being held September 28 that benefits not only local food banks and assists with hunger relief around the world.  Participant information was made available.
For the good of the club:  Lion Witkowski presented Lion Candidate Fan to talk about her desire to become a member of our club.
Motion to adjourn by Lion Crawford, second by Lion Jerry Dubiel.  Motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 8:43 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Tom Witkowski

Grand Island Lions Club Regular Meeting
Minutes September 24, 2014
Buffalo Launch Club
Attendance: Lions DG Mike Lawkowski, PDG Bob and Lioness Joan Shively, PDG Kimberly Stribing, Norm Hahn, Donna Lavallee, Dave Chervinsky, Dick Crawford, Al Ackerman, Tom Rusert, Paul Bassette, Tom Witkowski, Fred Ruocco, Brooks Rimes, Earl DeGlopper, Paul Krupa, Tom Butler, Shelia Ferrentino, Mike Steinagel, and Lion Candidate Honglin Fan.
Call to Order:  Lion President Lavallee called the meeting to order at 7:20 pm.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Witkowski
Patriotic song was led by Lion Chervinsky
Invocation made by Lion Bassette
Tail Twister Lion Ruocco was released upon motion by Lion Witkowski, seconded by Lion Bassette.
“Wayback Wednesday” featured early photos of club members Lions Ruocco and Chervinsky correctly guessed by Lion Bassette who won a bottle of wine who then donated it to be raffled at our twin meeting with the Merritton Lions Club.
Lion Candidate Fan selected Lion Witkowski’s stick to draw the Ace of Hearts.  He picked the ten of spades.
Introduction of guests was done by Lion Witkowski.
Committee reports:
Calendar update: Per President Lavallee:
 October 8:  Merritton meeting at Knights of Columbus.  Please bring raffle item.
 October 22:  Grand Island Supervisor Mary Cooke will speak at Buffalo Launch Club.  Board meeting will follow regular meeting.
 November 12:  Curt Nestark from the Grand Island Historical Society will speak at regular meeting at Byblos-Niagara.  Board will meet if necessary due to Thanksgiving holiday occurring the day after our second meeting.
 (November 26: NO MEETING)
 December 10:  Christmas Party at Byblos
Membership update: President Lavallee was pleased to announce Lion Candidate Fan will be inducted at the October 11th Sub-District Convention by ID Mike Molenda.
BonTon update:  President Lavallee stated that Community Days would be held 11/14 and 11/15.  Several members have already purchased books.  Coupons are not as restrictive as they used to be.
Correspondence:  Lion Corresponding Secretary Boies-Lobl could not attend meeting.  All President Lavallee has is emailed correspondence.
Treasurer’s Report:  Lion Treasurer Crawford reported that our banner has been approved for display at the Miracle League Field.  Our commitment is $500.00 per year.  The banner will honor past, present, and future players.  Our account balances are
Welfare as of 8/1/14:   $11,718.05
Welfare as of 8/27/14:  $5,432.29
Welfare as of 9/17/14:  $3,678.54
General as of 8/1/14:  $2,685.80
General as of 8/27/14:  $1,650.75 
Lions S.E.E. Program: President Lavallee yielded the floor to PDG Shively for an overview of the screening program.  PDG Kimberly Stribing had started it because our area already had the Ross Eye Institute.  50,000 children have been screened thus far with 10,000 being referred to an ophthalmologist.  A case in point was one girl being referred with a tumor found behind an eye causing her to lose it.  PDG Shively described the advantages of the SPOT camera that his Town of Niagara Lions Club recently purchased since the MTI screeners are no longer repairable.  HIPAA laws prevent us telling the client’s parents what the problem is, if any, thus, they are notified by the Ross.  President Lavallee has left it up to the membership if they would like to keep the Merritton meeting casual or allow PDG Shively to present the camera at that meeting.  The consensus was that we should.  She also commented on getting the project going with the schools to accept the screening.
Journey For Sight:  Chairman Witkowski reported the Journey has returned to the Journey On-The-Road with Niagara County Lions as the hosts.  A total of over $4,000 was raised and with the funds from the 2009 Journey never claimed, the grand total was over $5,000 that will be split among four beneficiaries.  Next year is Erie County Lions turn.
Eyeglass collection boxes: President Lavallee reported that boxes are available from the International for $186.00 for 10.  Lion Witkowski reported large black tote containers were obtained from his last employer to be cleaned and painted for use as collection containers.  Lion Rusert who has also volunteered to collect the eyeglasses from our collection locations.
Loan closet:  Lion Chervinsky received a check for $30 from a client who a walker was loaned out to.  President Lavallee requested anyone who performs an act of service or who signs out a Loan Closet item to report it to Lion Boies-Lobl, as it will count toward the 100 million acts of service promoted by IP Joe Preston.  President Lavallee stated we need to schedule time to clean out the closet.  Lion Crawford reported that it is not as bad has previously thought.  We have no walker/scooters with seats and we are down to two walkers with wheels. The biggest problem is we have wheelchairs without footrests.  He, followed by Lion Steinagel, will report donated items to Lion Boies-Lobl.
DG Mike was introduced by Lion ZC Witkowski.  DG Mike has raffle tickets and state pins available.  DG Mike questioned the club if we have a website, contribute to LCIF, receive the DG Niagara Frontier Lion and state newsletter.  As of the 19th, the club was in arrears for its’ state dues.  Lion Crawford responded he did receive the email but couldn’t find it.  DG Mike will send him the email.  Lion Crawford questioned where we get notice for our district dues.  DG Mike responded it is found in the DGNFL.  DG Mike began talking about the visibility of Lions resulting in being helpful in recruiting.  Other visible projects we do are Buffalo Kids News Day, White Cane, Special Kids Picnic, along with Miracle League.  The four projects that IP Preston would like us to focus on between now and Lions centennial in 2017 are in the areas of youth, hunger, vision, and the environment.  Bottom line, report all we do.  IP Joe’s theme is Strengthen the Pride which not only includes increasing membership but also in pride that we exhibit as Lions.  He stressed that we have a plan to give potential members something to do.  Great speakers are a great way to welcome new members.  He commented on the great speakers we have coming up.  Partnering with other service groups and invite them to a meeting to coordinate the functions we all do.  He stated opportunities are available for members: the Sub-District Convention will allow Lions to discuss what is available to them for additional service projects.  Membership goals should be set.  The state and international conventions occur in April and June.  The USA-Canada Forums are populated with great speakers that provide more nuts-and-bolts things that will help us become better
Lions.  Leadership opportunities also exist for those who want to advance as Lions: region and zone chairs, committee chairs such as Diabetes Awareness, Sight, Journey For Sight.  The district will help find slots for those who want to become better Lions.  DG Mike brought chevrons to honor Lions Bill Wind (15 years), unintelligible (15 years), Anne  Fahning (15 years), Dan Morabito (unintelligible), Crawford (25 years), Bassette (40 years).  He commented on recruiting.  He suggested leaving Lion Witkowski home.  DG Mike learned that Lions should leave their most enthusiastic member home because after he or she relates all that we are famous for, potential members will simply state they are too busy.  DG Mike suggests we approach a candidate by saying: “I from the Grand Island Lions Club. My name is Mike, and I would like you to be a member of the Grand Island Lions Club.  What do you know about Lions?”  The person will say something about your eyeglass collections, or a sign at Miracle League Field, or know someone who was a Lion, or maybe their grandfather was a Lion; he may even know nothing about Lions.  What you tell the person is this: “We are a community based group looking to make the places we live and work a better place.  Would you like to be part of something like that?”  Then invite him or her to a meeting.  It may not always work but asking someone you know just might.  He then thanked the club for its hospitality.
Sub-district Convention and Cabinet Meeting:  President Lavallee mentioned it and invited members to attend. 
Cycle For Sight:  President Lavallee mention it being held in Lancaster’s Come Lake Park on Sunday, September 28th.
Lions International Photo Contest: Lion Witkowski reported that all members could submit any amount of photos at our next meeting.  Only one can move forward to the judging at the Sub-district meeting.  All information is in the DGNFL.  He reported that Lion Chervinsky and he are looking for competition.
Motion to adjourn by Lion Ferrentino, second by Lion Butler.  Motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 8:44pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Tom Witkowski

Grand Island Lions Club Regular Meeting Minutes
October 8, 2014 Byblos-Niagara Hotel and Spa
Attendance:Town of Niagara Lions PDG Bob Shively and Paul Peters f, Donna Lavallee, Dave Chervinsky, Dick Crawford, Al Ackerman, Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski, Fred Ruocco, Brooks Rimes, Earl DeGlopper, Paul Krupa, Shelia Ferrentino, Jerry and Diane Dubiel, Henry Lobl and Annette Boies-Lobl, Anne Fahning, Dan Morabito, Tom DeCarlo and 17 Merritton Lions headed by Lion Chief Bob Flynn.
Call to Order:  Lion President Lavallee called the meeting to order at 7:09 pm.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion J. Dubiel
O, Canada was led by Merritton Lion Scotty Girotti
Patriotic song was led by Lion Witkowski
Invocation made by Lion Crawford
Toast to the Queen of England and President of the U.S.
Tail Twister Lion Ruocco was released.
Committee reports:
President Lavallee announced:
Grand Island Supervisor Mary Cooke will speak at Buffalo Launch Club.  Supervisor Cooke wants a head count to assure she has enough information to hand out.
“Wayback Wednesday” featured early photos of club members.  If the owner of the ticket pulled guessed who the early pictures of the featured Lions were, that individual would win a bottle of wine.
Lions International Photo Contest entrants from our club were to be voted on.  Winner moves on to district level voting at the upcoming sub-district convention.
BonTon update: Lion Boies-Lobl has Community Day books available.  She is asking each member to buy a minimum of three books.  Community Days will be held 11/14 and 11/15. 
A thank you card from DG Mike was received thanking the club on his visitation at the last meeting.
Correspondence:  Lion Corresponding Secretary Boies-Lobl reported receiving a thank you note from a woman who received a walker.  A check from the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo was received totaling $1,120 as part of the club investment in the former Buffalo Blind and Charity Fund.
Loan Closet:  President Lavallee reported that Lion Witkowski provided her the information regarding our donations of excess equipment to the Tuscarora Indian Nation Health Clinic.  Lion Chervinsky stated he would take care of it.
Sub-district Convention and Cabinet Meeting:  President Lavallee mentioned it and invited members to attend.  Presentations of the vision screening cameras will be made.  Lion candidate Honglin Fan will be inducted at that meeting. 
100 Million acts of service: President Lavallee requested that Lions report any act of service they perform to Lion Boies-Lobl as part of the International’s efforts to reach that goal by Lions’ 100th Anniversary date in 2017.
The SPOT Vision Screener was presented by Lions PDG Shively and Peters.  The Town of Niagara Lions recently received their screener through a matching grant from the New York State and Bermuda Lions Foundation.  It is very easy to use and takes about 10 minutes to learn how to use it.  Its’ primary purpose is to take pictures of children’s eyes in their formative years; i.e. between 1 and 5 years of age.  Unfortunately, the lighting in the room prevented the camera from taking a test subject photo.  Lion Peters reported taking over 50 photos in less than an hour.  The camera also displays the photos taken and their results.  Cost for the camera is approximately $7,000.  10 – 15% of the photos taken indicated that children needed further ophthalmologic care.  One child that was referred had her sight saved because of the camera.  All children in the head Start program must have their eyes examined using the camera.  The program’s nurses receive the reports from the Ross Eye Institute and they follow up with the parents.  50,000 children statewide have been screened thus far with 10,000 being referred to an ophthalmologist.  Two non-repairable MTI cameras are available to be used as trade-ins.  The key in using it is the environment it will be used in.  The Ross will also evaluate photos obtained from older adults who may not be able to afford eye exams.  The cameras are useable on clients between three months and 100 years of age. 
Raffle was then held.
Lion Chervinsky was the winner of the club portion of the Lions International Photo Contest with his photo of “Gennyfur.”
Merritton Lion Linda announced her club’s Sight Awareness Bowl-A-Thon being held on November 8, 2014.
Lions Krupa and Rimes were correctly guessed in the “Wayback Wednesday” contest.
Motion to adjourn by Lion Brooks, second by Lion Fahning.  Motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 8:56pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Lion Tom Witkowski

Grand Island Lions Club Meeting, Wednesday, October 22, 2014 at BLC

Attendance: Lions Ackerman, Bassette, Chervinsky, Crawford,  De Carlo, De Glopper, Diane and Jerry Dubiel,  Fahning, Ferrentino, Krupa, LP Lavallee, Annette and Henry Lobl, Morabito, Rimes, Rusert and Guest Speaker Town Supervisor Mary Cooke.
Meeting called to order by LP Donna at 7:05 pm
Pledge led by Lion Krupa
Song led by Lion Annette
Prayer given by Lion Bassette
Dinner served.
50/50- Lion Al’s name drawn. He pulled the Ace of spades. Jackpot continues.
Introduction of Guest Speaker Town Supervisor Mary Cooke by LP Donna.
Mary acknowledged the great benefit that the Lions Loan closet has and the impact on the residents of Grand Island.
Mary talked about the state of the town’s fiscal health. There has been a refinancing of debt thru loan consolidation. Expenditures must be kept under 2%. The town’s is currently  1.83 %. The Moody rating of Aa 2 has been maintained. Challenges of owning and operating water and sewer plants and roads while maintaining fund balances despite unforeseen breaks etc was presented. Explanation of the 4 yr. cycle reassessment process with the goal of achieving equity was discussed. There has been permits granted for 33 new single homes. There is a 32-unit apartment building being constructed on Grand Island Blvd.  NOCO is building a 35,000 sq. ft. building. Mary distributed a  PR booklet titled Make It Your Business to know Grand Island-Your Bridge to Success. These are available at Town Hall. The current town population is 20,374. The vision for the future is to keep sound spending and to look at long range plans.
Committee Reports:
Bon Ton- we need to sell more books  75 must be sold to allow the club to sell on the sale days  of 11/14 and 15. We are asking each member to buy 2 books each.
We received a check for $50. From the Westfall family to thank us for use of equipment.
Request from the Olmsted Center for donation.
The Radio reading Service is planning a fundraiser at Salvatore’s’ Italian Gardens on Dec. 03 at 7 pm. Tickets are $20.
The Evans Lions Club is sponsoring a free film  “Driving Blind” at the Angola Theater on Nov.18.
Cabinet Meeting report was given by Annette.
Quest Lions program-, which is based in the schools, was explained. This program improves children life skills thru the fostering of Lions ideals.  D 20 N is applying for a $1000 grant to approach school districts about this project
Vision Beyond Sight Foundation – 2/3 of the equipment has been obtained . the foundation is now using Lions money to help families pay their deductibles. at the Ross Center.
New Business:
 Lion Dick was informed by Byblos that they are closing the kitchen down from October thru April. We will need to find other places for our meetings and the spaghetti dinner. Board to handle.
Motion to adjourn by  Lion Shelia, 2nd by  Lion Earl.
Respectfully submitted by Lion Annette

Grand Island Lions Club Regular Meeting Minutes
November 12, 2014 McMahon’s Restaurant
Attendance: Donna Lavallee, Dave Chervinsky, Dick Crawford, Al Ackerman, Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski, Fred Ruocco, Brooks Rimes, Earl DeGlopper, Shelia Ferrentino, Henry Lobl and Annette Boies-Lobl, Anne Fahning, Tom DeCarlo.
Call to Order:  Lion President Lavallee called the meeting to order at 6:58 pm.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by President Lavallee
Patriotic song was led by Lion Witkowski
Invocation made by Lion Crawford
Introduction of guests Curt Nestark and Alice Gerard of the Grand Island Historical Society by President Lavallee
Tail Twister Lion Ruocco was released after motion by Lion Fahning and second by Lion Ferrentino.
Committee reports:
BonTon update: Community Days will be held Friday and Saturday, 11/14 and 11/15.  President Lavallee thanked all those who are participating in the sale.  91 have already been sold with 75 the minimum.
Correspondence:  Lion Corresponding Secretary Boies-Lobl reported receiving our banner patch from the Ann Stadelmeier Fund. 
Banner and patches:  President Lavallee reported she has a patch from the Vision Beyond Sight Foundation and that Lion Boies-Lobl has two more.  President Lavallee stated that our current banner has no more space for the aforementioned patches and that it is appearing shabby at the bottom.  Lion Boies-Lobl will look into getting a price and presenting it before the board.
Curt Nestark started off by presenting trivia questions to the group.  He passed out information regarding locations of historical importance.  Mr. Nestark gave a brief history of the town and displayed numerous antiques such as a stereopticon, bed warmer, egg grader, and a salt keeper amongst others.  The most unusual one was a “tussie mussie” used to hold fragrant flowers to hide odors from a person or their clothing since both weren’t washed as frequently as we do today.
Committee reports, cont’d:
Audit:  President Lavallee reported it has been completed with the task taken on by Lions Lobl, and Rimes.  Everything was in order.  Lion Lobl reported the amount of work put into the recordkeeping was exemplary.  He suggested that journal entries be summarized quarterly.  The Finance Committee should be reinstituted with Lions Crawford, Lobl, Rimes, and Fahning as part of the committee.  Lion Lobl recommended an audit be performed every six months. 
Miracle League 50/50 tickets:  President Lavallee reported that volunteers are needed at the Sabres game on November 22.  Lion Crawford has sent out emails seeking volunteers.
Christmas tree sales:  President Lavallee stated that the club would not be getting any money for the sales at Kelly’s.  The store has elected to support a woman in need of medical assistance and the Shriner’s organization.  This has created a shortfall of $1,500 that was budgeted as income.  Two options are to raise more money, readjust the budget, or little of both.  President Lavallee suggested a “garage sale” type of event by using the community center at the Nike base.  It is a big job pricing but her experience with her church’s youth group, over $3,000 was raised.  It could be held in the early spring possibly before the spaghetti dinner.
Spaghetti dinner:  With the future of Byblos in question, we may The club voted that it will be held on April 27. 
Family Fun Night:  It was good thing to be involved.  Lion Witkowski suggested making it more attractive to kids.  President Lavallee has already secured a gift basket from soma Cura for the spaghetti dinner.
PDG Leadership Achievement Award:  Nominations are due by December 5th by notifying President Lavallee.  It is an annual award presented to a Lion who has performed exceptional service to the organization.
100 Million acts of service:  Lion Chervinsky delivered a wheelchair and a walker is scheduled for tomorrow.  President Lavallee wondered if the time five Lions spent at the family Fun Night counted.  Lion Witkowski said it would since youth were involved with it.
Christmas Party:  Lion Ruocco informed the club that the theme this year would be an ugly Christmas sweater or ugly Christmas outfit.  It will be held at the Buffalo Launch Club.  The Good Neighbors Foundation and the SPCA are the beneficiaries of the party.  Checks can be made out to the Foundation. 
Lion Fahning has a digital camera that she has offered to anyone who wants it.  It was suggested to save it for the proposed garage sale. 
Lion Lobl suggested that we could hold another BonTon coupon book sale in the Spring to earn more money for the club.  Also, he suggested another fundraiser through Wendy’s; we raised about $200.00 at our last one.
Motion to adjourn by Lion Fahning, second by Lion Ferrentino.  Motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 8:51pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Lion Tom Witkowski


